Together Towards Tomorrow

At Balance Foundation, Inc., we recognize that embarking on the path to recovery from alcohol or substance use disorders (AUD/SUD) involves more than just addressing the immediate challenges. Our commitment is to support you holistically, allowing your attention and energy to be fully immersed in the recovery process. To facilitate this, we offer Case Management and Peer Support Services, two pillars that address the essential life aspects critical to your overall treatment and recovery success.

Case Management Services

Case Managers play a vital role in the treatment and recovery journey, focusing on various life domains crucial for holistic health and wellness. While specific regulations vary from state to state, our Case Managers offer support in the following areas:

Engagement & Needs Identification

Establishing a recovery-based partnership, Case Managers assist in maintaining a proactive, responsible, and optimistic approach to treatment. They facilitate connections with community services and prioritize housing stability and access to essential resources.

Care Coordination

Case Managers ensure your recovery progresses smoothly by coordinating support and care at different levels. This includes crafting crisis plans, providing access to necessary services, and ensuring continuity in your recovery journey.


Facilitating connections with various support services, Case Managers assist in accessing resources such as housing support, food assistance, family and community support, transportation, and government assistance programs. They guide you in resource applications and appointment management.

Monitoring and Follow-Up

Case Managers track your progress throughout treatment, ensuring that the identified support aligns with your evolving needs. They advocate for adjustments to your treatment plan as you grow and change in recovery.

Peer Support Services

Our Peer Support Specialists are dedicated to fostering personal development, independence, and the skills necessary for you to guide your own recovery. Aligned with state-defined regulations, Peer Support Specialists prioritize the following:

Personal Relationship to Recovery

Encouraging and supporting your unique journey from alcohol or drug addiction, Peer Support Specialists provide a crucial bridge between personal experience and recovery.

Advocacy During Recovery

Empowering you to advocate for yourself, Peer Support Specialists enhance your ability to actively engage in the recovery process.

Relationship Building for Recovery

Facilitating the creation and sustenance of relationships that support your recovery journey, Peer Support Specialists understand the importance of a supportive network.

Alignment with Personal Values

Guiding you to identify and live according to a set of personal values, Peer Support Specialists empower you to shape your recovery in alignment with your aspirations.

As we embark on this journey together, Balance Foundation, Inc. is dedicated to fostering a supportive and transformative environment, guiding you towards a brighter tomorrow.

If you or someone you love is ready to overcome addiction, we’re ready to share a path forward. Reach out to us today.