Empowering Recovery, Restoring Lives

We refuse to label individuals grappling with addiction using derogatory terms devoid of empathy or understanding. Names like “drunks,” “junkies,” or “potheads” have no place in our approach. It’s crucial to recognize that those living with addiction seldom identify with such stigmatizing terms.

Symptoms of Addiction

Every journey into addiction is unique, yet common signs signal the need for intervention. Recognizing these signs is crucial for taking timely action.

Physical Signs

  • Unexplained accidents or injuries
  • Shaking hands or physical tremors
  • Neglect of appearance and hygiene
  • Sudden weight loss or gain
  • Slurred or agitated speech
  • Clammy palms
  • Red, watery eyes
  • Dilated pupils
  • Poor physical coordination
  • Unusual odors on breath, body, or clothes
  • Needle marks on arms, legs, or feet

Behavioral Signs

  • Emotional instability
  • Significant personality changes
  • Decline in work or academic performance
  • Increased anger, resentment, and sensitivity
  • Decreased ability to focus
  • Failure to keep commitments
  • Apathy
  • Stealing
  • Lying
  • Loss of interest in lifelong hobbies or passions
  • Secretive activity/hiding things

Treatment for Addiction

Addiction is a chronic, relapsing disease, akin to conditions like cancer and heart disease. We have moved past blaming individuals for their struggles and instead focus on treating them with the latest medications and evidence-based techniques.

Just as with other chronic diseases, our approach involves support, understanding, and adjustment of treatments. Positive progress is celebrated, and setbacks are met with empathy and a commitment to uncovering the reasons behind them. We persist in providing unwavering support and adapting our strategies, recognizing that overcoming addiction is a journey that requires compassion and dedication.

If you or someone you love is ready to overcome addiction, we’re ready to share a path forward. Reach out to us today.